One Stop Shop for Integrated Building Management System and Industrial PLC Programming
We Specialise as Master System Integrator for BMS Systems which follow different protocols

Design & Engineering
We follow the Industry Best Practice to come up with an optimised Design to meet specific customer requirement...

We have on the Anvil a UI which will allow the User to see the Actual Picture of the site and zoom in gradually on any area of interest...

PLC Systems
PLC Programming using advanced techniques like Ladder logic, STL, FBD, CFC, SFC and SCL, Interface to third party systems...

Application Integration
Skills in Writing or Modifying Device Drivers to Interface systems from different vendors that use proprietary or other Protocols...
Our Expertise
One Stop Shop for Integrated Building Management System and Industrial PLC Programming. We Specialise as Master System Integrator for BMS Systems which follow different protocols.
We treat our customers, employees, shareholders, partners, suppliers and the community with honesty, dignity, fairness and respect.
Helping our customers incorporate cutting-edge technologies and solutions so as to manage their buildings and facilities more efficiently.
To be the leading provider of innovative, intelligent and state-of-the-art control and automation solutions for buildings and facilities in the region.